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Thyroid and Adrenal Support Starter Bundle

Thiodine Total Iodine Complex, Iodine & Iodide Liquid

Thyroconvert Thyroid T4 to T3 Booster, Capsule

Halodetox Thyroid Detox Powder & Adrenal Booster

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This guide provides step-by-step instructions, tips, and stories to help you get started quickly. For detailed questions about each supplement, please visit our FAQ.

  • General Use
  • Hashimoto's

Start Thyroconvert before adding the other supplements. Thyroconvert is meant to help reduce oxidative stress, prime the thyroid, and support thyroid hormone conversion in the liver. Use for one week before starting Halodetox, and two weeks before starting Thiodine. Continue taking until selenium levels reach the desired range and maintain as needed (see the FAQ for test information).†

Suggested Use

At breakfast or lunch, take one (1) capsule of Thyroconvert daily, preferably with food or as directed by your doctor. 

Laura's Story

"Before starting Thyroconvert, I had my RBC labs tested to check my selenium levels. My results were in the low end of the lab range so I started with two capsules in the first week, and then reduced to the suggested dose of one capsule. After a few weeks, I was amazed to realize I didn't need an afternoon nap, and I had more energy throughout the day. My immune system has also been very strong. I will get my RBC labs retested in a few months to make sure my selenium levels are not over the range." 


After one week, start Halodetox using the following method to help support adrenal function, restore electrolytes, and improve hydration.† Continue using Halodetox for adrenal support, as needed.

Suggested Use
The Adrenal Booster Drink may be used first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and throughout the day, as needed or recommended by a medical professional. 

Dissolve 1/8 tsp (up to 1/4 teaspoon) in pure water and drink as desired. The water taste may be a guide for how much Halodetox is needed. The goal is for the drink to taste good with flavor but not overly salty or unpleasant. Depending on the flavor, use more or less Halodetox.

Special Notes
Halodetox may be used in other drinks, including juice, smoothies, and lemonade. 

Cindy's Story

"I started the Adrenal Boost method and used 1/8 tsp of Halodetox. It didn't taste salty at all. I loved the taste and how it dissolved so quickly. It gave me a good boost of energy and got my digestion going if you know what I mean. It seemed like my tummy area was less bloated after a week, and my pants are a little looser. I use it in the morning and then add it to lemonade and sip during the day. I tried to increase the amount of Halodetox powder, but the taste was too strong, so I stick with 1/8 tsp." 

STEP 3: Thyroid Fuel

After two weeks, start supplementing with Thiodine to help fuel the thyroid, reproductive system, and begin the full detox. Continue taking the first two supplements as suggested, or as directed by your doctor. 

Suggested Use 

Thiodine may boost energy so we suggest using it in the morning or before lunch. Add 1 or 2 small drops of Thiodine to coffee, tea, water, or non-citrus beverage. 

The suggested amount of two small drops is just a suggestion. Some people require less, others require more. According to customers, the "sweet spot" may be as much as 8-9 drops a day.†

Important Notes

❌ Do not put Thiodine directly in your mouth or on your skin. It should always be diluted in 8 oz of liquid. 

❌ A drop means one small drop, not a dropper full of iodine.

❌ Avoid taking Thiodine an hour before or after vitamin C or citrus juice because the ascorbic acid may reduce the iodine potency.

Read the product FAQ for additional information.

Hannah's Story

"I started with two drops of Thiodine but didn't notice much, so I increased one drop a day until I reached six drops. That morning, within an hour of taking six drops, my focus popped, I felt alert, clear thinking, and a surge in energy. I felt fantastic! The next day I decided to take more Thiodine, thinking if six drops were good, eight might be better. Nope. That was too much for me. Within a few hours, I felt anxious, and a bit irritable, which I learned was probably bromine detox. Once I realized the issue, I started the Thyroid Detox Method and that helped pretty quickly." 

STEP 4: THYROID DETOX (occasional use)

After starting Thiodine, some people may experience symptoms of halogen detox. Please see our Halogen Detox article to learn more. Halogen Detox may be easily managed using the following method. 

Of course, we always recommend discussing with a doctor, preferably someone specializing in iodine supplementation. 


Dissolve 1/8 (up to 1/4 teaspoon) of Halodetox in 4 ounces of pure water. Follow immediately by drinking another 12-16 ounces of plain water (not with Halodetox). Repeat every 30-45 minutes until urination begins and symptoms ease. Use this method as needed for up to three days or as recommended by a medical professional.

Susan's Story

"A few weeks into using the Ultimate Thyroid Support Supplement Bundle, I noticed my right armpit had an unusual odor. It wasn't the typical body odor, and it was only in the right armpit. Also, I noticed little red spots on my skin. These are called cherry angiomas. After reading the Halogen Detox symptoms from Miss Lizzy, I learned that both of these issues most likely resulted from bromine detox! I didn't even know about the dangers of bromine toxicity. My husband and I have a hot tub, and we use bromine for the cleaner. Bromine is in so many household items and foods. Like dishwasher cleaner, flame retardant, commercially made bread, some medications, and even sodas. Who knew bromine was everywhere?! I followed the Cleanse Water method, and sure enough, these issues improved." 

additional notes

After 4 weeks, or at any time that seems appropriate, adjust the supplement suggested amounts and frequency, or under the supervision of a medical expert. Consider testing RBC levels for selenium, TSH, Free T3, and Free T4 a few times a year.

For one-on-one help, learn about Thyroid Coaching with Miss Lizzy

Melissa's Story

"A few months into using Ultimate Thyroid Support Supplement Bundle, I had a visit with my doctor, and she ran a full thyroid lab test panel. My TSH levels had skyrocketed, which sounded scary! I thought that meant I was becoming more Hypothyroid! But that didn't make sense because I felt fantastic -- better than I had in years. My body temperature was no longer low, I had more energy, my sleep had improved, and I noticed a range of other improvements. My breasts didn't hurt anymore! PMS was much better. Luckily my doctor is an expert in iodine supplementation, detox, and thyroid health. She said the high TSH was completely normal when starting high dose iodine. As long as my Free T3 and Free T4 were in a good range, my symptoms were improving, and I felt good, my doctor said there was no reason to worry. She said we would retest the TSH in 8-10 months and most likely it will have returned to normal."†


Start Thyroconvert before adding the other supplements. Thyroconvert is meant to help reduce oxidative stress, prime the thyroid, and support thyroid hormone conversion in the liver. Use for one week before starting Halodetox, and up totwo monthsbefore starting ThiodineContinue taking until selenium levels reach the desired range and maintain as needed (see the FAQ for test information).†

Suggested Use

At breakfast or lunch, take one (1) capsule of Thyroconvert daily, preferably with food or as directed by your doctor. 

Laura's Story

"Before starting Thyroconvert, I had my RBC labs tested to check my selenium levels. My results were in the low end of the lab range so I started with two capsules in the first week, and then reduced to the suggested dose of one capsule. After a few weeks, I was amazed to realize I didn't need an afternoon nap, and I had more energy throughout the day. My immune system has also been very strong. I will get my RBC labs retested in a few months to make sure my selenium levels are not over the range." 


One week later, start Halodetox using the following method to help support adrenal function, restore electrolytes, and improve hydration.† Continue using Halodetox for adrenal support, as needed.

Suggested Use
The Adrenal Booster Drink may be used first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and throughout the day, as needed or recommended by a medical professional. 

Dissolve 1/8 tsp (up to 1/4 teaspoon) in pure water and drink as desired. The water taste may be a guide for how much Halodetox is needed. The goal is for the drink to taste good with flavor but not overly salty or unpleasant. Depending on the flavor, use more or less Halodetox.

Halodetox may be used in other drinks, including juice, smoothies, and lemonade. 

Cindy's Story

"I started the Adrenal Boost method and used 1/8 tsp of Halodetox. It didn't taste salty at all. I loved the taste and how it dissolved so quickly. It gave me a good boost of energy and got my digestion going if you know what I mean. It seemed like my tummy area was less bloated after a week, and my pants are a little looser. I use it in the morning and then add it to lemonade and sip during the day. I tried to increase the amount of Halodetox powder, but the taste was too strong, so I stick with 1/8 tsp." 


After two months, start supplementing with Thiodine to help fuel the thyroid, reproductive system, and begin the full detox. Continue taking the first two supplements as suggested, or as directed by your doctor. 

Suggested Use 

Thiodine may boost energy so we suggest using it in the morning or before lunch. Add 1 or 2 small drops of Thiodine to coffee, tea, water, or non-citrus beverage. 

The suggested amount of two small drops is just a suggestion. Some people require less, others require more. According to customers, the "sweet spot" may be as much as 8-9 drops a day.†

Important Notes

❌ Do not put Thiodine directly in your mouth or on your skin. It should always be diluted in 8 oz of liquid. 

❌ A drop meansone small drop, not a dropper full of iodine.

❌ Avoid taking Thiodine an hour before or after vitamin C or citrus juice because the ascorbic acid may reduce the iodine potency.

Read the product FAQ for additional information.

Hannah's Story

"I started with two drops of Thiodine but didn't notice much, so I increased one drop a day until I reached six drops. That morning, within an hour of taking six drops, my focus popped, I felt alert, clear thinking, and a surge in energy. I felt fantastic! The next day I decided to take more Thiodine, thinking if six drops were good, eight might be better. Nope. That was too much for me. Within a few hours, I felt anxious, and a bit irritable, which I learned was probably bromine detox. Once I realized the issue, I started the Thyroid Detox Method and that helped pretty quickly." 

STEP 4: THYROID DETOX (occasional use)

After starting Thiodine, some people may experience symptoms of halogen detox. Please see our Halogen Detox article to learn more. Halogen Detox may be easily managed using the following method. 

Of course, we always recommend discussing with a doctor, preferably someone specializing in iodine supplementation. 


Dissolve 1/8 (up to 1/4 teaspoon) of Halodetox in 4 ounces of pure water. Follow immediately by drinking another 12-16 ounces of plain water (not with Halodetox). Repeat every 30-45 minutes until urination begins and symptoms ease. Use this method as needed for up to three days or as recommended by a medical professional.

Sarah's Story

"When I started Thiodine, I used one drop every couple of days to make sure I didn't cause a Hashi's flare. I made sure to use Thyroconvert for two months before starting Thiodine. Thyroconvert helped reduce my thyroid antibodies, which was a huge relief. And I felt less inflammation. I probably could have started at a higher amount of Thiodine, but I didn't want to overdo it!" 


After 4 weeks, or at any time that seems appropriate, adjust the supplement suggested amounts and frequency, or under the supervision of a medical expert. Consider testing RBC levels for selenium, TSH, Free T3, and Free T4 a few times a year.

For one-on-one help, learn about Thyroid Coaching with Miss Lizzy

Melissa's Story

"A few months into using Ultimate Thyroid Support Supplement Bundle, I had a visit with my doctor, and she ran a full thyroid lab test panel. My TSH levels had skyrocketed, which sounded scary! I thought that meant I was becoming more Hypothyroid! But that didn't make sense because I felt fantastic -- better than I had in years. My body temperature was no longer low, I had more energy, my sleep had improved, and I noticed a range of other improvements. My breasts didn't hurt anymore! PMS was much better. Luckily my doctor is an expert in iodine supplementation, detox, and thyroid health. She said the high TSH was completely normal when starting high dose iodine. As long as my Free T3 and Free T4 were in a good range, my symptoms were improving, and I felt good, my doctor said there was no reason to worry. She said we would retest the TSH in 8-10 months and most likely it will have returned to normal."


Start Thyroconvert before adding the other supplements*. Thyroconvert is meant to help reduce oxidative stress, prime the thyroid, and support thyroid hormone conversion in the liver. Use for one week before starting Halodetox, and up to two months before starting ThiodineContinue taking until selenium levels reach the desired range and maintain as needed (see the FAQ for test information).†

Suggested Use

At breakfast or lunch, take one (1) capsule of Thyroconvert daily, preferably with food or as directed by your doctor. 

*About MTHFR

Methylation issues are more commonly reported by people with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. For those with the MTHFR gene markets A1298 or C667T, experts suggest carefully monitoring mineral levels including selenium due to impaired methylation. 

Patients with MTHFR methylation issues suggest getting the RBC testing before starting a supplement like Thyroconvert. If selenium test results are mid-to-low in the lab range, a supplement like Thyroconvert may be fine to use under the supervision of your doctor.

If selenium levels are over the lab reference range, consider waiting until selenium RBC levels are within the lab range before using Thyroconvert and consult your doctor.

Terri's Story

"I have the MTFHR and poor methylation, which meant my iron, selenium, and other mineral levels were high. So I skipped Thyroconvert and went straight to Step 2 with Halodetox and Thiodine. After I got my methylation solved -- that's a whole other story! -- my selenium levels came down, but they went too low. At that point, I added Thyroconvert to make sure I had enough support for oxidative stress and thyroid hormone conversion. Luckily, I have an excellent practitioner who understands Hashimoto's, MTHFR, and mineral levels. We adjust my amounts as my lab work changes."


One week later, start Halodetox using the following method to help support adrenal function, restore electrolytes, and improve hydration.† Continue using Halodetox for adrenal support, as needed.

Suggested Use
The Adrenal Booster Drink may be used first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and throughout the day, as needed or recommended by a medical professional. 

Dissolve 1/8 tsp (up to 1/4 teaspoon) in pure water and drink as desired. The water taste may be a guide for how much Halodetox is needed. The goal is for the drink to taste good with flavor but not overly salty or unpleasant. Depending on the flavor, use more or less Halodetox.

Halodetox may be used in other drinks, including juice, smoothies, and lemonade. 

Cindy's Story

"I started the Adrenal Boost method and used 1/8 tsp of Halodetox. It didn't taste salty at all. I loved the taste and how it dissolved so quickly. It gave me a good boost of energy and got my digestion going if you know what I mean. It seemed like my tummy area was less bloated after a week, and my pants are a little looser. I use it in the morning and then add it to lemonade and sip during the day. I tried to increase the amount of Halodetox powder, but the taste was too strong, so I stick with 1/8 tsp." 


After two weeks and up to two months depending on MTHFR and Hashimoto's, start supplementing with Thiodine to help fuel the thyroid, reproductive system, and begin the full detox. Continue taking the first two supplements as suggested, or as directed by your doctor. 

Suggested Use 

Thiodine may boost energy so we suggest using it in the morning or before lunch. Add 1 or 2 small drops of Thiodine to coffee, tea, water, or non-citrus beverage. 

The suggested amount of two small drops is just a suggestion. Some people require less, others require more. According to customers, the "sweet spot" may be as much as 8-9 drops a day.†

Important Notes

❌ Do not put Thiodine directly in your mouth or on your skin. It should always be diluted in 8 oz of liquid. 

❌ A drop means one small drop, not a dropper full of iodine.

❌ Avoid taking Thiodine an hour before or after vitamin C or citrus juice because the ascorbic acid may reduce the iodine potency.

Read the product FAQ for additional information.

Hannah's Story

"I started with two drops of Thiodine but didn't notice much, so I increased one drop a day until I reached six drops. That morning, within an hour of taking six drops, my focus popped, I felt alert, clear thinking, and a surge in energy. I felt fantastic! The next day I decided to take more Thiodine, thinking if six drops were good, eight might be better. Nope. That was too much for me. Within a few hours, I felt anxious, and a bit irritable, which I learned was probably bromine detox. Once I realized the issue, I started the Thyroid Detox Method and that helped pretty quickly." 

STEP 4: THYROID DETOX (occasional use)

After starting Thiodine, some people may experience symptoms of halogen detox. Please see our Halogen Detox article to learn more. Halogen Detox may be easily managed using the following method. 

Of course, we always recommend discussing with a doctor, preferably someone specializing in iodine supplementation. 


Dissolve 1/8 (up to 1/4 teaspoon) of Halodetox in 4 ounces of pure water. Follow immediately by drinking another 12-16 ounces of plain water (not with Halodetox). Repeat every 30-45 minutes until urination begins and symptoms ease. Use this method as needed for up to three days or as recommended by a medical professional.

Sarah's Story

"When I started Thiodine, I used one drop every couple of days to make sure I didn't cause a Hashi's flare. I made sure to use Thyroconvert for two months before starting Thiodine. Thyroconvert helped reduce my thyroid antibodies, which was a huge relief. And I felt less inflammation. I probably could have started at a higher amount of Thiodine, but I didn't want to overdo it!" 


After 4 weeks, or at any time that seems appropriate, adjust the supplement suggested amounts and frequency, or under the supervision of a medical expert. Consider testing RBC levels for selenium, TSH, Free T3, and Free T4 a few times a year.

For one-on-one help, learn about Thyroid Coaching with Miss Lizzy

Melissa's Story

"A few months into using Ultimate Thyroid Support Supplement Bundle, I had a visit with my doctor, and she ran a full thyroid lab test panel. My TSH levels had skyrocketed, which sounded scary! I thought that meant I was becoming more Hypothyroid! But that didn't make sense because I felt fantastic -- better than I had in years. My body temperature was no longer low, I had more energy, my sleep had improved, and I noticed a range of other improvements. My breasts didn't hurt anymore! PMS was much better. Luckily my doctor is an expert in iodine supplementation, detox, and thyroid health. She said the high TSH was completely normal when starting high dose iodine. As long as my Free T3 and Free T4 were in a good range, my symptoms were improving, and I felt good, my doctor said there was no reason to worry. She said we would retest the TSH in 8-10 months and most likely it will have returned to normal."

†The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated statements made on this website. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information provided by this website or this company is not a substitute for individual medical advice. Caution: Do not exceed the recommended dose. Pregnant or nursing mothers, children under the age of 18, and individuals with a known medical condition should consult a physician before taking any dietary supplement. Do not use if safety seal is damaged or missing from any product. Keep out of reach of children. Results not guaranteed.